Tuesday, April 3, 2012

I and my Brokers and Agents agree that the market is improving but when you look at the data it is questionable if the prices are improving yet.
I understand that my analysis of the market is not what you really want to hear but it is the reality and the good thing is that it can only improve going forward. So, I am optimistic about the market.
Spring is here in Pentwater! The trees are in bloom, the daffodils are out and we are Feeling Hopeful for 2012.

Donna and I had a good time in FL and remained busy through the internet; but we came home to Spring in Pentwater. The phones were busy, the weather delightful, and it seems more like May than April. Thankfully, there is a lot of interest in lake homes, of course, the discounted lake homes and the properties in the Village and Township.

We had the busiest first quarter in 4 years for sales! We believe this has to do with interest rates remaining low, and prices of homes have dropped. The sales in the first quarter have been mostly lake homes and condo’s and a few lots. However, we know Village and Township homes will have more interest this summer.

We are feeling an upturn in the 2nd home market for 2012 and we do hope it will last.
Most of our customers are coming from the Website and the Internet and people coming to Pentwater for day trips.

Inventory is down which seems to be a good thing.


  1. The main participants in real estate markets are :-
    1. Owner - These people are pure investors. They do not consume the real estate that they purchase. Typically they rent out or lease the property to someone else.
    2. Renter - These people are pure consumers.
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