Saturday, June 25, 2011

Sales of homes in Pentwater Village

A study of the property currently for sale in the Village of Pentwater and those homes sold in the Village of Pentwater over the past 5 years.
Note these homes exclude waterfront property and Condos.

To see the report click on the title of the post (in green above)

In summary:-
46 homes sold
42 homes currently for sale.
This suggests perhaps 5 years inventory currently listed.

The chart shows how many properties in each price range sold per year.
1 house sold in each 2 years in the $300,000 and over price range.
increasing to:-
4.5 houses per year for houses less than $150,000

for an average of about 9 homes per year .

This is interesting information in light of the fact that presently on the market are equal numbers of homes in each price range


Summer is here in Pentwater

I'm aware that some time has passed since I last posted to this blog - that reflects the slowness of the market presently.
As the real estate business slows we have to work harder to find and maintain the interest of the buyers.
Presently the buyers know that they control the market and many of them are sitting tight waiting to see what will happen next.
There is a lot of pent up demand and sooner or later the buyers are going to get fed up waiting. We are doing our best to be alert to when that day arrives.

In the meantime Sellers need to be very alert to what the buyers are looking at / buying. Right now the word is 'cheap'

If you really want to sell your property you need to know what the competition is and how your property is priced relative to that competition. The cheapest one sells first.